Thursday, July 2, 2009
30th Brithday
Birthdays just went like that.
IronMan Langkawi 2010. Made the Rm500 payment.
The only difference from last year is that this time, i know how to swim already.
Will concentrate on cycling and running. Last year, from July till October, i was in the pool almost everday. Wasted lots of time trying to made good swim time, now i've learnt that swimming is just a tiny portion of the entire race, so its not worth to put soooo much traiing time into it.
Still havent made my mind on other races yet.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Xterra kuantan
Drove to kuantan on friday evening.
Swim part was ok, got my first ever taste of jellyfish stings, didnt feel much pain. Stupe said im too fat, thats why cant feel any pain...probably true.
Came out of water bout 35 minutes...
Wasted lots of time in T1...changing clothes is just a big waste of time.
Bike route was FUNTASTIC ! Never experienced mtb before. Going up and down slippery muddy roads was a totally new experience. The slight rain made things a whole lot fun than i ever imagined. MTB is totally different from roadbikes.
The 10km trail run 10km run la...Running up/down hills aint so easy when weighing almost to 100kgs....damn im fat...
Managed to finish the whole course in bout 4h 50 minutes. I wasn't the last person to cross the finish like !
p/s : Lost my C702 phone race morning. Dumb me to even bring the phone in race morning.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Gunung Lambak
Been waking up 5 am these past few days.
Hiking up gunung Lambak, which took 35-40 minutes few months ago, is now taking 50-55 minutes.
Its slow, but its a start.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It has to end.
Havent dont anything but eat/sleep/deliver eggs !
I gaid so much weight these past 3 week, i've noticed the T-shirts that i bought in langkawi are not wear-able already. Seriously, i can put on very very fast.
This all has to end, soon.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
IRONMAN 09 report

Dr Wong did a good job eh ??
At 4th loop i almost gave up, i was basicly walking alone and was at the brink of giving up, thats when Bandit showed up, he helped my. Ran with me, i was actually making better timing, all along the way, we were culculating the amount time left, time needed to make the u-turn. At the final U-turn, we had about 30minutes , that 6km to go. I knew it was gonna be hard, i was thinking of all the time put in already, i was even thinking of all the excuse to give if i dont make the 17hours cut off time. But then, i told myself, it too close, way to close to admit defeat, i was still totally possible, so i pushed, pushed like never done before. Near the final check point, i saw few people walking, i went pass them, was confident already, then i saw Ishal, his jiggy walk damn fast, couldnt catch up. Along the was TBS also ran with me, thanks bro. Final 100m dash...and i did it.
The most satisfying moment in my life. No words can describe it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
2 Days to go !
Completing IronMan is not all just training, its actually more to mental. The moment u tell yourself that "u can", u are a winner already.
For swim - Adidas tights, speedo rift tri power goggles, and maybe gonna bring along the speed biofuse as spare. Still not sure where i'm gonna keep the spare goggles when swimming la.
The bike course - long sleeve cycling jersey, nike pro tights, layer on top will be cycling shorts.
The run/walk/crawl if i have too - nike pro top, will be layered with a normal t (too sexy/FAT), nike fitDry running tights, adidas supernova.
I'm not so worried about being tired, its the chafing that i'm worried about. Thus, all these tight tight clothing.
I've done all that i could have done, what ever happens on race will be just another test.